First Presbyterian Church of Ogdensburg



 Worship in-person on Sundays at 10 am or

on Facebook live or our YouTube channel at 

First Presbyterian Church of Ogdensburg, NY.



Our Mission

We are a welcoming congregation that follows the teachings of Christ.

We: invite all people, celebrate diversity, practice God's all-inclusive

love and accept God's call to spiritual growth.



The First Presbyterian Church of Ogdensburg, NY is a welcoming Christian congregation, striving to grow in the light and spirit of God's love and grace.  We focus on outreach and mission, empowering others through our service, love and grace.


In Person Worship

Please worship with the First Presbyterian Church of Ogdensburg, NY at 423 Ford Street.  Masks are not required but are available if needed.  Hope to see you there!


Our Mission focus at this time is FOOD for the Neighborhood Center food pantry on Monday mornings 9:00 - 12:00 pm just inside the back sidewalk entrance to Ruth's Room or place food in the pack baskets at the back of the Sanctuary.  Free Lunch is take-out at the Fellowship Hall door on Franklin Street at 11:00 - 11:30 am on Saturdays.  If you would like to help or make a monetary donation to either of these, please do it through the church office.  

Photo Gallery

At First Presbyterian

We focus on outreach and mission, empowering others through our service, love and grace and we strive to answer Christ’s call in the local community and beyond.  We celebrate Children and the gifts they bring, intentionally including them in all aspects of church life.