Personnel Committee
The Personnel committee is a committee that both reviews and supports the paid staff and pastor of the church. It is made up on one person elected from each church board and one at large member elected annually at the congregational meeting. The Personnel Committee keeps up to date job descriptions for all positions in the church, hires and oversees the people who hold these positions. The committee, with the input of the pastor, at its best would review staff twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. The committee should also review the pastor at these times. The review is meant to help church employees know what they do that is appreciated as well as to let them know any areas for improvement or concern. The review is also to provide pastor and staff the opportunity to share with the committee their joys and concerns about what is happening in the church, in essence the employees review the church. Annually, this committee makes salary recommendations to the Session concerning all paid staff in the church including the pastor.
The personnel committee is also responsible for policy dealing with Pastor and Church staff. Things such as family leave time and sick day policies are formulated within the committee with recommendations to be made to the Session.
Who is serving: Barb Hebert - Deacon; Doc LaComb - Member at large; Chris Montpetit - FFC; Rhonda Roethel - Trustee; Karla Trimm - Chair & Session Rep.