Missions of the Church
Local Mission:
Saturday Free Lunch (every Saturday at the church from 11:30-1:00)
End of Summer Free Lunch (Summer just before School starts during VBS week 12:00-1:00 Mon- Sat)
Food $en$e http://foodbankcny.org/our-programs/food-sense-program/
(orders Tu-Th the First week of the month - pick up 3rd Thursday 12-1)
MINC http://www.presbyteryofnny.org/PDF/minc_brochure%20working%20copy%20f.pdf
Rural Rehab team - accessibility ramps for homes
Emergency Fund – donate to the fund regularly
The Neighborhood Center
Funding Raising for Mission and Service of a low cost lunch at Seaway Festival food Booth
Local Disaster Relief work
Relay for Life http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY17EA?pg=entry&fr_id=79277
Scare Out Hunger (Sunday School Mission divided between three area food pantries)
Planned Parenthood https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-country-new-york
Garden Share http://www.gardenshare.org/
Reach Out of St Lawrence County (County Hotline) http://www.reachouthotline.org/
Souper Bowl of Caring - Sunday offering (Youth Mission) https://souperbowl.org/welcome
National and International Mission:
Heifer Project https://www.heifer.org/
Malawi Widow’s Fund http://www.womenofgracewidowsfund.org/whoweare.html
Church World Services https://cwsglobal.org/
Denominational Special Offerings http://specialofferings.pcusa.org/
Neighborhood Center Support http://slccdp.org/programs/neighborhood-centers
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance http://pda.pcusa.org/