Tithes and Offerings

We focus on outreach and mission, empowering others through our service, love and grace and we strive to answer Christ’s call in the local community and beyond.           Please consider a Donation to help fund our Church and Missions


Simply Click The Above Donate Button To Make Your Easy Secure Donation

1) 100% of your donations go directly to our Church and it's missions to strengthen our community and outreach to the needy both locally and abroad with the love of God

2) No need to worry! All donations are processed securely with PayPal (PayPal account is not needed to make donation only a credit/debit card) transactions are made directly between you and PayPal, this website does not and can not collect any of your personal information

3) Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that any love offering you give, big or small is making a huge impact, please see below for a list of our current missions



Local Mission:

            Saturday Free Lunch (every Saturday at the church from 11:30-1:00)

            End of Summer Free Lunch (Summer just before School starts during VBS week 12:00-1:00 Mon- Sat)

            Food $en$e  http://foodbankcny.org/our-programs/food-sense-program/

                         (orders Tu-Th the First week of the month - pick up 3rd Thursday 12-1)

            MINC http://www.presbyteryofnny.org/PDF/minc_brochure%20working%20copy%20f.pdf

                        Rural Rehab team - accessibility ramps for homes

                        Emergency Fund – donate to the fund regularly

           The Neighborhood Center

            Funding Raising for Mission and Service of a low cost lunch at Seaway Festival food Booth

           Local Disaster Relief work

            Relay for Life http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY17EA?pg=entry&fr_id=79277

           Scare Out Hunger (Sunday School Mission divided between three area food pantries)

            Planned Parenthood https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-country-new-york

            Garden Share http://www.gardenshare.org/

            Reach Out of St Lawrence County (County Hotline) http://www.reachouthotline.org/

            Souper Bowl of Caring - Sunday offering (Youth Mission)  https://souperbowl.org/welcome


National and International Mission:

            Heifer Project https://www.heifer.org/

            Malawi Widow’s Fund  http://www.womenofgracewidowsfund.org/whoweare.html                    

            Church World Services https://cwsglobal.org/

            Denominational Special Offerings http://specialofferings.pcusa.org/

            Neighborhood Center Support http://slccdp.org/programs/neighborhood-centers

            Presbyterian Disaster Assistance http://pda.pcusa.org/